The Newsletter of Crane Working Group of Eurasia #15, 2020

The Newsletter of Crane Working Group of Eurasia #15,  2020

The Newsletter of Crane Working Group of Eurasia #15 includes information for 2018 and 2019. There are articles of authors from 15 countries (Armenia, China, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and USA), including 19 administrative subjects of the Russian Federation (the Crimea, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Rostov, Volgograd, Belgorod, Ryazan, Moscow, Ivanovo, Ulyanovsk, Orenburg regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, Novosibirsk Region, the Republic of Khakassia, Trans-Baikal Territory, Amur Region, Primorsky Territory, the Republic of Yakutia, and Sakhalin Region).

The Newsletter begins with the heading “MONITORING IN SUMMER PERIOD”. It contains data about Red-crowned Cranes breeding on the Kunashir Island (Sakhalin Region) in Russia and a history of the female “Belaya” tagged on this island; information about Siberian Crane sightings in Yakutia (Eastern population) and West Siberia (Western population); data, which confirmed the Eurasian Crane breeding at the edge of its breeding area in Belgorod Region in Russia as well as in Kyrgyzstan. Also the data on investigations of Transcaucasia Eurasian Crane habitats in Iran and Demoiselle Crane habitats within the breeding area from the Crimea in the west to the Republic of Khakassia in the east are presented.

Рис 3.jpgThe heading “MIGRATION” contains data on the count result of Siberian Cranes migrating over Okhotsky Perevoz Village in Yakutia; a sighting of a Siberian Crane during migration in Kazakhstan and information about unusually high numbers of Eurasian Cranes during migration in the Ivanovo Region (the center of the European part of Russia) in autumn 2018. An experience of managing of Eurasian Crane pre-migratory congregation in Novosibirsk Region is presented.

Information on wintering conditions of a lonely Siberian Crane in Iran, sighting of a group of the Siberian Cranes in the south of China, 800 km south of its traditional wintering ground in the Poyang Lake as well as about an Eurasian Crane count at wintering grounds in Turkmenistan are presented in the heading “WINTERING”.

The heading “CAPTIVE BREEDING AND REINTRODUCTION” contains the history of a Redcrowned Crane female named “Ergel” reared in the Reintroduction Station of Rare Birds of the Khingansky State Nature Reserve (Amur Region); data on crane propagation in the Oka Crane Breeding Center (Ryazan Region); and results of Siberian Crane reintroduction at breeding grounds in West Siberia in 2018. An article on development of the Demoiselle Crane chick plumage is very useful for determining of chick age in the wild.

In the heading “TAGGING” preliminary results of White-naped, Eurasian and Demoiselle cranes tagging with GPS-GSM transmitters within the international project of “1000 Cranes” and following tracking are presented.

Information on discovering clutches with three eggs in the nests of White-naped (Amur Region) and Eurasian (Ryazan Region) cranes is given in the heading “INTERESTING FACTS”.

Рис 2.jpgIn the heading “THREATS” data on illegal crane hunting in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and cases of Demoiselle Crane death due to poisoning in India are presented.

In the heading “CONFERENCES” you can learn about the IXth European Crane Conference in France in 2018 and International Workshop to Develop a Long-term Strategy for Crane Conservation in the East Asian Flyway in Beijing in China in 2019. Within the International Workshop, the VII Council Meeting of International Red-crowned Crane Network was held.

In the heading “INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION” you can learn about projects on “Crane Migration study in Silk Road” and “Crane Culture in China” implemented by Beijing Forestry University in China within the government initiative “One Belt, One Road” with participation of experts from Russia, Mongolia and Nepal.

In the heading “EDUCATION” authors share their experience on the organization of Crane Celebration in schools in Russia and Turkmenistan.

Рис 1.jpgThe information presented in the heading “CRANES IN ART AND CULTURE” will be very interesting for Newsletter readers. 2019 was marked by the anniversary of the Oka Crane Breeding Center (Ryazan Region), organized in 1979.

In 2019, Yu.V. Labutin, about which the article is presented under the heading “ANNIVERSARIES”.
In 2018, such significant people in the “crane” community as J.T. Harris, who has served as Vice-President and President of ICF over the years, and Aivar Leito, coordinator of the European Crane Working Group in Estonia passed away.
You can read about their merits in the study and protection of cranes in the heading “OUR MEMORY”.
A.K. Yurlov, our outstanding ornithologist, who worked for many years at the Biological Institute of the SB RAS in Novosibirsk also passed away in 2018. An obituary about him was published in the journal of “Ornithology” (2018).

Under the heading “PUBLICATIONS”, a review of a book by Estonian ornithologists about the Eurasian Crane is given, the first author of which was Aivar Leito. Also references of the publications of CWGE members and other ornithologists about cranes in 2018 and 2012 are presented.

Elena Ilyashenko, Editor

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