Map update for the Atlas of Nesting Birds of the European Part of Russia following the results of the field season 2018

Map update for the Atlas of Nesting Birds of the European Part of Russia following the results of the field season 2018
New map with surveyed squares. Designations: red circles - full reports on the square with quantitative estimates for the entire territory; orange circles–species lists with a status, estimates of numbers; yellow circles- reportsfor a small territory; gre

Although nesting data collection on the 50 x 50 km squares for the Atlas of Nesting Birds of the European part of Russia basically finished, for some regions where many gaps have been left, an exception was made, and the survey continued this summer. And now, the collection of field information is finally accomplished. Almost all the reports are now collected.

The field season was very successful.Approximately 100 new squares were surveyed, and some of the large gaps northwardswere closed. Over a half of the reports on these squares, have already been received and already painted over on the map.

The remaining reports should be sent to the project coordinators during October. European colleagues, who are preparing maps for the Atlas of Europe, will start working on the maps and the Atlas itselfin November. Since the maps in the Russian Atlas and in the European Atlas must be identical, after December 31, it will be impossible to make changes to the database.

In the beginning of work on the Atlas, we couldn’t dream of such success!

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