Steller’s Sea Eagle book in English, second edition
Steller’s Sea Eagle book in English, second edition
The book about Steller’s Sea Eagle (SSE) by V.B. Masterov and M.S. Romanov published in 2014 with the assistance of BirdsRussia appeared some kind of ornithological bestseller: the second revised edition was published in English.
It is the first book about Steller’s Sea Eagle in English.
The book can be purchased for instance here:
Drawing by Evgeny Koblik.
Review by Björn Helander, a Swedish specialist in eagles:
"I just recently received your book on the Steller´s Sea Eagle from the company in Britain. Congratulations to your fantastic work! I have not yet had the opportunity to go through the book in full but it looks really wonderful. It will be a standard work for reference on this magnificent species (and other Haliaeetus species too). A really fine and important monograph on this vulnerable species!"
Dr Björn Helander retired, Senior scientist, PhD
Environmental Research & Monitoring
Swedish Museum of Natural History
Here is what Alison MacLennan from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds of Scotland wrote in a letter to one of the authors:
"How lovely to hear that you have published your Steller's sea eagle monograph in English - Congratulations!
The Russian version is a really beautiful book so I will look forward to receiving my English copy (which I have just ordered today) and being able to read it from cover to cover!
Your study and its findings are a tremendous life time achievement and have no doubt saved the Stellar's eagles from a much worse fate than that which they are currently facing. There are so many conservation issues like this in the world that are much more complex than politicians, economists and industrialists appreciate. But without the detailed long term studies such as yours, we would not have the understanding and therefore the opportunity to mitigate that we do. While many of the solutions fall way short of what you and I and those like us would wish to see, hopefully your work will make sufficient impression on those in high places to save these magnificent birds.
Thank you once again for letting me know about your superb monograph".
Dr Alison M MacLennan
Senior Conservation Officer
Full Russian version is available on ResearchGate:,
and also open access on (registration needed).