Taiga bean goose was decided to join the Red List of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
The Department of Natural Resource Regulation, Forestry and the Oil and Gas Complex Development of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District decided to include the Taiga bean goose (Anser fabalis fabalis) (Latham, 1787) in the Red List of the YNAD. This is a result of three years of hard work on the Bean goose population investigation in the YNAD and two years of negotiations with department officials about its inclusion in the Red Look.
On September 27, 2018 a meeting of the commission on rare and endangered species of flora and fauna on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District took place. Members of the commission unanimously voted for the inclusion of forest bean in the Red List of the YNAD.
Later on, a draft decree of the Government of the Autonomous District on amendments to the list of species included in the Red Listwas prepared. The Department of Natural Resource Regulation of the YNAD forwarded it to the Government. The listing of the Taiga bean goose in the Red List of the YNAD denotes it will receive the status of a special protected object on the territory of “Nadymsky”, “Verkhnepoluuysky”,“Poluysky”,”Kunovatsky”, “Sobty-Yugansky”, “Pyakolsky” Nature Reserves. In already allocated zones of rest, as well as in two new areas in three years (2019-2021) autumn hunting on waterfowl will be prohibited.
For the further planning of measures for the protection of the Taiga bean goose, a special program is to be developed. It will provide hunting regulations, prohibitions and restrictions, reveal the optimal timing of hunting, rationing of prey, verification of compliance with hunting rules by citizens, etc. Prime monitoring sites for annual monitoring of Anseriformes status will be determined. Contemporary accounting methods will be used. Information support is also planned, including creation of popular science movies about Anseriformes, publication of printed materials, placement of information on Internet resources and in social networks.
Taiga bean goose (Anser fabalis) is a large goose inhabiting tundra and taiga zone from Greenland to the Far East. Four subspecies are distinguished, varying in size, shape and details of beak coloring, and biology. In the central regions of Russia, Forest and Western tundra subspecies (Anser fabalis fabalis and A. f. rossicus), can be found at flight. Occasional taiga and eastern tundra subspecies (A. f. middendorffii and A. f. serrirostris) arrivals are possible.
Three subspecies of the Taiga bean goose (except the Western tundra one) are now rapidly reducing their numbers, and although they are already listed in some regional Red Lists, they must be taken under federal protection. The Taiga bean goose is already close to extinction; Forest subspecies’ range has been reduced to several small foci located in remote and inaccessible areas.
To preserve the unique subspecies of the Taiga bean goose, it is necessary to completely stop their shooting, which causes active resistance in the hunting lobby. Inclusion of the Forest taiga bean goose in the Red List of the YNAD, a key nesting region, is a very important step, which we hope will contribute to an increase in the number of the reproductive core of the population of Western Siberia.