The “Operation Kazarka” movie revealingthe expedition of Russian and Belgian bird-banding centers to Yamal tundra for Red-breasted geese investigation and transmitters-tagging
The population of Red-breasted goose, the breeding endemic of Siberian Arctic and a rare guest of the Belgian polders, has drastically declined in the past few decades. The species is currently classified as “vulnerable” by the IUCN. What threatens this little goose?
In autumn 2018, the movie “Operation Kazarka” was released. It tells about the expedition of Russian and Belgian bird-banding centers to Yamal tundra, where the Red-breasted goose nests. Ornithologists supplied the birds with transmitters to track their migration route, which is over 7000 km long! Such data allows us to better understand how to preserve the Red-breasted geese.
The movie can be viewed on Youtube: