Atlas of Nesting Birds of the European Part of Russia: work on surveys data is completed

Atlas of Nesting Birds of the European Part of Russia: work on surveys data is completed
Map of surveyed squares 50 х 50 sq. km for the Atlas. Each red circle corresponds to a surveyed square. Russia is almost fully observed!

A very important and fundamental stage of the project on the Atlas of Nesting Birds of the European Part of Russia and the Atlas of Birds of Europe has been completed - all data has been verified and sent to the organizing committee for the creation of the Atlas of Nesting Birds of Europe.

During the first month of 2019, tremendous work was done - for a couple dozen unexplored squares data was added, and so part of the remaining white spots was closed. Species distribution maps were checked and, as a result, data on many species were checked and updated. Regional data was checked and necessary corrections and additions were made, additional literature was collected and analyzed, therefore new information was also included.

As a result, we achieved 1627 surveyed squares out of 1843 (excluding squares completely falling into the water areas or solid glaciers). Among these, complete species lists with abundance estimates were obtained for 1448 squares; 122 squares come with complete species lists lacking estimates of abundance. For 57 squares, we only have data on individual species, sometimes up to several dozen species, so these squares were colored in yellow.

This is a very good result, which, in general, has not even been expected.

We are grateful to everyone who took part in this January marathon, as well as to all who completed verification and sent their corrections and additions back in December!

Now we head to creating maps for the Russian atlas. Species essays must be completed before the start of the field season.

Project coordinators are grateful to all the participants for their tremendous work!

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